
Monday, April 25, 2011

Will I or Will I never be ?

I am synonymous with travel ! and I would not want to change this for the world. I love living out of a suitcase, travelling and exploring. It does not make me tired one bit. I do feel a little bit homesick ... when I miss my rotli daal bhaat and shak. I love looking at people going around, the way of life is so different. Last weekend I only travelled about 200 kms to be transported to a place which felt like 2000 kms away.
The only bad thing about travelling this far is that if I don’t get my rotli’s , I switch over to Italian food. Although, I rarely find too much company. But I could eat a pizza every single meal – okay no every single meal per say – i could alternate between a ravioli, arabiata pasta, some soulful risotto, and some real aubergine and sundried tomatoes with bell peppers tossed in ali olio pasta... !! So I tend to put on piles of weight each time i come back. And then my time back home is spent getting it back to where I left – and then I take off again.
When will I ever be able to travel in this high fashion way ??? Will I or Will I never be ??

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