Kansas-based metalsmith and jeweler Dukno Yoon creates rings, bracelets, and other devices that mimic the movements of birds by harnessing the motion caused by the flick of the wrist or flexing of fingers. Yoon received his BFA from Kookmin University, Seoul and a MFA from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio and most recently has been working on a series of metronomes that also explore the movement of birds. Though I was only able to embed a few of the animated examples of his work above, head over to his Wings gallery to see many more devices in action, the bracelets in particular are really fun to watch. If you like the kinetic nature of these pieces also check out the work of Gary Schott.
The animated GIFs above are pretty large and might take a moment to load if you’re on a slower connection. We’ll see how the bandwidth does for this post and I’ll do my best to keep them up.
The animated GIFs above are pretty large and might take a moment to load if you’re on a slower connection. We’ll see how the bandwidth does for this post and I’ll do my best to keep them up.
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