When I first got the mundan done, and everyone was all praises for me, What Bravado !! I only kept saying it’s all for GOD. GOD is kind. And he has been giving me everything I ever wanted. I kept saying nothing Brave about it !! But yesterday was the first time I felt, YES, one needs to be BRAVE to be able to do this. I walked into EscoBar last night in my perfectly confident style. I walked passed the Bar. Stepped onto the Patio outside, located a table and sat myself down. I was thoroughly enjoying my Cinnamon Ice tea when I heard a GAY man and 2 incredibly ridiculously slutty looking women talking about my hairstyle ( and no I am not saying gay and slutty because of what I am about to say – I had made my opinion at first glance). And for as hard as one tries, they cannot help but overhear certain pieces of conversation – and the subject of their discussion is IF I LOOK LIKE LALU PRASAD YADAV or not !!
A little something I’d like to tell you about going bald and then waiting for your hair to grow back. You never imagined that your hair would go through stages. At least I didn’t ! I was expecting my bald hair to turn into Sushmita style volume overnight ! It doesn’t happen so always !!
Fact 1 : Every person who sees you, will want to tell you who you look like !
Fact 2 : Does your bald head feel itchy ? is the next question.
Fact 3 : They will suggest some HAIR OIL they swear by !
Fact 4 : The Oil in my head will always tickle their fickle brain – and will ask me – Is that sweat ?
Fact 5 : Every time you wake up you wish it has grown by a few cms at least !
Fact 6 : There will be at least 1 day where you will wake up not remembering you got a mundan done and you will scare yourself
Fact 7 : (this applies to only women) you will wonder how you are going to deal with your long hair – because you are getting used to jumping in and out of shower in 5 mins flat
Fact 8 : When the summer breeze doesn’t ruffle your hair and make it oily, and you see girls tying a nasty looking BUN in their head with pencils, chopsticks and other pointy objects you feel you are lucky there is NO FUSS
Fact 9 : You miss getting dressed when you see your previously over worked HAIR IRON lying lonely there on your dresser, waiting for it to be plugged in and transform you !
Fact 10 : You hate that 4 weeks into your mundan, you get poky straight hair and any amount of pushing it back and combing it sideways doesn’t make them settle down and someone at a really Hip Bar calls you LALU PRASAD YADAV ki daughter… !!!
p.s. Thank god they did say I look like his SON.. !!
:-) that was quite funny lalu Jr. what iam wondering is that how inthe world did you manage to restrain yourself from knockng the living daylights out of the guys...no no wait what was it... gay guy and slutty babes..??? the least you could have done was to pick up a glass of water and drain it over one of them's head... ooo i woudl love to do that to someone someday... what drama..super fun it would be naa..!!