And he did it.. There is something about putting it out to the universe as I told you.. you write your wishes down, concentrate really hard on them and the universe will conspire against all odds and let you have it. Or in my case, Kuki let me have an Opulent Indulgence as I like to call it for my very first Valentine’s day present. Ofcourse Saturday night I got 2 pieces of jewellery too !! This is why every girl should have a Kuki… only not mine, but of her own ; )
Summer has set its foothold in Mumbai ! But my awesome Sunday afternoon was going to change as soon as I stepped into the Myrah Day Space facilities in Juhu. Now, Ive passed this place a little too many times but it has always gone unnoticed. Cause it sits in a quite by-lane. Ofcourse, once you step-in you are transported to a Victorian Haven… ! Like all other Spa’s this one makes you feel like a godess waiting to be unfolded.
The Royal Asian Massage transported me to 7th heaven. I felt as though I was floating and just got transported to the beginning of time when my body was just made ! Kuki and I looked like 2 happy bunnies sipping on the awesome Ginger Tea post the massage and did not want to leave that place.. If you are thinking of a belated gift, or just a Sunday gift for your girl friend take her to Myrah Spa. It makes an awesome special gift..! Kuk’s… me Loved the experience !